How Gay Porn, The Satanic Bible, & Religion Institutions Work Together!


The Same Company Publishes Gay Porn, The Satanic Bible, As well As The Holy Bible

How many people remember the name Rick Warren? Warren just so happens to be the author of A Purpose Driven Life. Yeah, the book that all these preachers were telling you to read! Well, this book was published by Zondervan publishing. Zondervan’s parent company is Harper Collins Publishing. Harper Collins just so happened to have recently purchased Thomas Nelson. They were the company that made the Nelson study Bible. Harper Collins is now responsible for over 50% of the bibles purchased worldwide. I know you probably thinking “they are advancing the kingdom of God” right, well this company also publishes gay sex books and magazines as well as the Satanic Bible. This company also just so happens to be owned by none other than Rupert Murdoch owner of Fox News!!!! Yeah but I’m the crazy one right Smh don’t believe me look it up

Warren with Pope Francis

Taken From Supreme Science Volume 1 Does The matrix Really Exist?

Question: Wow, so the people that are printing Bibles are producing gay porn as well as the Satanic Bible?

Answer: Yes, this is very well known amongst certain groups of people. The company Harper Collins is connected to the Architects of this Matrix. Collins is one the names associated with the elite blue bloods, also called by some the Illuminati. If you are familiar with the name Rick Warren the author of the book Purpose Driven Life, he is also in cahoots with these people. However, the biggest shock to most people would be the fact that media tyrant Rupert Murdoch owns Harper Collins publishers.

Rick Warren With The President of Syria

Our emphasis in this post is the Christian publishing industry. There are many fine commercial publishers that do not publish Christian books and thus are left out of this discussion. First, let us review what is known as The Big Five. These are the five major conglomerates that control a sizable portion of the marketplace. Who are these big five?

In no particular order:


1. HarperCollins Owned by Rupert Murdoch’s media conglomerate News Corp.; HarperCollins has around fifty imprints. Zondervan had been their sole evangelical Christian imprint until they bought Thomas Nelson Publishers in 2012. The two have been combined into the HarperCollins Christian Publishing group. Under that HCCP group they have multiple imprints: Zondervan, Zonder kidz, Thomas Nelson, Tommy Nelson (Children’s), and W Publishing. (There are also an Academic Division, a curriculum division, and a Bible division.) Also, HarperCollins keeps a separate religious publishing imprint called Harper One (formerly Harper San Francisco). News Corp. is the parent company of 20th Century Fox, the film company with numerous divisions including several Fox television networks. In 2013, the print/publishing division was spun off from the entertainment division. In 2014, HarperCollins bought Harlequin Enterprises. This includes the Love Inspired and Heartsong imprints which are the Christian fiction divisions of Harlequin.

2. Hachette Book Group Formerly Warner Books (of Time Warner), they were acquired by Hachette Livre, a subsidiary of the French Media Conglomerate Lagardère Group. Their Christian imprint is Faith Words (formerly Warner Faith). A few of their imprints include Little Brown, Grand Central, and Center Street.

3. Pearson/Bertelsmann (AKA Penguin Random House) Peason is a British corporation known in the U.S. as Penguin. They have imprints like Putnam, Berkley, Viking, etc. They have tipped their hat to the Christian market with the Penguin Praise imprint, but does not have a dedicated staff developing those titles; their editors go on a case by case basis. For example, their Dutton imprint publishes Tim Keller. Their Tarcher/Penguin imprint does some religious titles. Bertelsmann is a German media conglomerate that owns Random House, which is the largest English-language publisher in the world. They have several divisions. The Crown Publishing Group has within it the Waterbrook/Multnomah imprint. Their Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group includes Doubleday, which is a religious imprint that has had Catholic-oriented titles, but with many exceptions. In 2013, the two book publishing groups officially merged and is now known as Penguin Random House.

4. Holtzbrinck Publishing Group Owned by the German Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. Primarily known in the U.S. as MacMillan. They do not have a Christian imprint. But do have strong commercial imprints like St. Martin’s, Tor, and Farrar, Straus, & Giroux.

5. Simon & Schuster Owned by CBS (the TV station). Their Christian imprint is Howard Books. Other well-known imprints include Pocket, Free Press, and Scribner. A little trivia for you. ABC (the TV station) used to own Word Entertainment, which included Word Books and Word Music, which was a well-known Christian company. Word Entertainment was purchased by…Thomas Nelson in 1992. Nelson later sold the Word Music Division to Gaylord Entertainment, the folks who own Opryland. The book publisher, Thomas Nelson was bought out by a private equity firm in 2006, sold to another private equity firm in 2010 and then to HarperCollins in 2012.

Warren The Evil Dark Lord

Now just stop and think for a second about this. The man that owns Fox News is one of the biggest publishers of the Bibles in circulation worldwide. He is also a publisher of the Satanic Bible and gay pornography. Do you seriously think this is a good thing or a bad thing? The fact that also Rick Warren is affiliated with these people is amazing because his book was an extremely popular book. There were many black pastors recommending their congregations read this book. You tell me that these 501C3 pimps are under the control of the unseen hand. Many brothers and sisters took their hard earned money and bought that book unknowingly spending money with the kings of the earth and their fornication as it states in Rev 18:9

Rev 18:9

And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

The Greek word for fornication is porn, and again we see the code of 9!

porneia: fornication
Original Word: πορνεία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: porneia
Phonetic Spelling: (por-ni’-ah)
Short Definition: fornication, idolatry
Definition: fornication, whoredom; met: idolatry.

Wake up Neo Harper Collins publishes gay porn, and what we have been duped into thinking was fornication is a farce. Fornication is pornography before Rupert Murdoch owned Harper Collins he owned Zondervan. This excerpt from their website they are not trying to hide these things.

Warren with Former President Obama

Zondervan, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications. For more than 80 years, Zondervan has delivered transformational Christian experiences through its bestselling Bibles, books, curriculum, academic resources and digital products. The company’s products are sold in multiple formats, worldwide in more than 60 countries, translated into nearly 200 languages. Zondervan is the North American publisher and licensee of the NIV Bible translation. Zondervan offices are located in Grand Rapids, MI.

Rick Warren’s book Purpose Driven Life was published by Zondervan. Do you overstand how lost people are? These people are devils in the name of the god, and no one thinks to question any of it. I say every person that attends church should petition their pastor, bishop, reverend, etc. to denounce Rick Warren, his writings, Zondervan, & Harper Collins publishing. Do you think they will? Most of these deceivers are working hand and hand with the devil to keep you blind. They want you to remain “the lost sheep”. This is a brief write-up on the book.

Taken from Wikipedia

Rick Warren America’a Most Powerful Religious Leader?

The Purpose Driven Life (2002) is a devotional book written by Christian author Rick Warren and published by Zondervan. The book has been on the New York Times Best Seller list for advice books for one of the longest periods in history, while also topping the Wall Street Journal best seller charts as well as Publishers Weekly charts with over 30 million copies sold by 2007. The book offers readers a 40-day personal spiritual journey and presents what Warren says are God’s five purposes for human life on Earth and describes itself as “a blueprint for Christian living in the 21st Century … using about 350 references to the Bible, maybe this amounts to over 1200 Biblical verses and quotes to challenge the conventional definitions of Christian Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Christian Ministry and Evangelism.”
The Purpose Driven Life sold 30 million copies, and is the second most-translated book in the world, after the Bible!

Now let’s think long and hard about this. The company responsible for printing the majority of the Bibles in the world, publishes the Satanic Bible as well, they publish gay pornography, and Rick Warren’s book is the second most translated book in the world! This book has sold 30 million copies worldwide. You do the math the book was on sale last I checked for 23.99. For the sake of this discussion let’s say it was a $20 average sale. This means from 2002 to now 2015 people believing in God have given these Devils a whopping 600 mil just from one book alone.

Rev 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world,: h,e was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

These people that you think are of God are devils. This goes all the way to the original whisperer Nakhash in the Gen 3. These beings are the zera seed of the devil. They have established their organizations (organ-nations and they need your blood) so discreetly and subtly. They have this Matrix so set up that you are so oblivious. They have deceived the whole world, but this cycle in time is an air cycle (Ether). This is Michael’s time for all to bear witness to the slaying of this dragon. This is all symbolism and allegory, so we have to overstand that in this cycle of time Michael opening the 7th seal is about the mental expansion that comes with the air sign of Aquarius. This is a 2,160 year age and 2 + 1 + 6 + 0 = 9. I know at this point we have covered various things, let me first say that this is how we have to look at things. We must be vivid and not vague in our mind’s eye. I would like to bring a few things home and then we will continue with the Biblical timeline.

Rick Warren & Elton John