Peru The Real Jerusalem AKA The City of Heru & Melchezidek


The Fake Stolen Land of Modern Jerusalem

The land that is called Jerusalem today is a fallacy created by Zionism. The land that we now call Israel is the product of propaganda. Truthfully there is no such place. The stealing of this land was a geopolitical move to rob the resources and wealth of the region. The whole middle east is truthfully supposed to be Africa. The creation of the Suez canal in 1869 separated the land so that a Zionist state could be created with the Balfour declaration of 1917. In establishing these facts we can now see how propaganda through religious lies has duped the world in so many ways. This region of the world has made trillions is oil production and the Zionists along with fake Arabs have been able to use the Isaac and Ishmael myth to acquire wealth beyond measure.

I will continue to shed light on these matters in future articles. Today I want to explain that Peru is the real Jerusalem and that the once capital was built to honor Heru the deity of kingship! The narrative of the Americas and Africa being separate is a mechanism of division as many of the practices of Native Americans were only different in name and geography to those in Africa. The key to the mystery of Peru is however easily deciphered in the name itself. Peru=Heru=Jeru! Heru is the deity of kingship as previously mentioned. Heru=King and Salem=Peace! In Arabic Salaam is peace. In Hebrew Shalom means peace. Salem means the exact same thing.


The name Salem: Summary

MeaningPeace, PerfectEtymologyFrom the verb שלם (shalem), to be or make whole or complete.Related names• Via שלם (shalem): AbishalomAbsalomBishlamIslamJerusalemMeshelemiahMeshillemithMeshillemothMeshullamMeshullemethMuslimSalomeShallumShallunShalmaiShalmaneserShelemiahShelomiShelomithShelumielShulammiteSolomonYHWH-shalom

The name Salem in the Bible

Salem is the place where Melchizedek housed (Genesis 14:18). After the war of Four against Five Kings, Abraham’s nephew Lot is abducted and Abraham sets out with a small army to rescue him. When they do, they loot the abductors while they’re at it, and bring back the spoils. This evokes gratitude among the locals, among whom king Melchizedek of Salem.

Melchizedek achieves legendary status in the Bible, also because the town called Salem is renamed at some point, and becomes known as Jerusalem. According to Psalm 76:2 God’s tabernacle is in Salem.

The name Salem appears twice but in only one passage in the Greek New Testament, and this in conjunction with Melchizedek (spelled Σαλημ; HEBREWS 7:1 and 7:2).

Etymology of the name Salem

Originally the name Salem probably had to do with a Ugaritic god, but transliterated this name neatly concurs with the Hebrew verb שלם (shalem) meaning to be complete, sound, and the familiar noun שלום (shalom), meaning peace

Melchezidek is mentioned 10 times in the Bible, most notably in dealing with Abraham. He was given a tenth of what Abraham earned in exchange for a blessing. Many pimp/preachers today use this to justify their money-hungry rhetoric to promote tithing.

He is called priest of the Most High and King of peace. His passages in the bible are used heavily in freemasonry as Jesus and David entered the Order of Melchezidek

Psalms 110-4

4The Lord has sworn And will not relent,“You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.

Hebrews 7 21-22

21(for they have become priests without an oath, but He with an oath by Him who said to Him:“The Lord has sworn And will not relent, ‘You are a priest [f]forever
According to the order of Melchizedek’ ”),
22by so much more Jesus has become a [g]surety of a better covenant.

I will later explain to you how the Jesus myth is connected to the David myth!

 4442. Malki-tsedeq 
Strong’s Concordance Malki-tsedeq: “my king is right,” an early king of SalemOriginal Word: מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Transliteration: Malki-tsedeq
Phonetic Spelling: (mal-kee-tseh’-dek)
Definition: “my king is right”, an early king of Salem

City of The Hidden Name

Egyptians did not call their city “Thebes.” The Greeks gave that name to the city. Whatever name the Egyptians first gave to the city payroll that this capital was in “Upper Egypt”, and that it was called the throne of Heru. Heru was one of Egypt’s earliest Pharaohs, and he was so famed in antiquity that his name gave us the word “hero. “Using is hieroglyphics, Egypte wrote the name “Heru” by drawing the profile of a standing hawk. But when I checked the hieroglyphs for the symbol used to write the name Thebes, the likeness of a strange animal was drawn, which scholars cannot identify. They cannot identify the animal because they did not know that this city was built in Peru. The animal shown with the city’s name is the square-eared llama of South America.

Egiptian ship shown making travel to the west

Since the lakes around Memphis were designed to show a crocodile, would the ruins of Thebes-Jerusalem show the outline of a llama? I considered that possibility, but I remember something. Egypt’s priests had let out a secret about this city. The scribes wrote that the capital city was: “the city with the hidden name. “The old writings revealed another secret a temple at Thebes was called “the eye of Re, mistress of temples. “I believed these were secret codes to what was designed in the layout of the city. Scholars had long ago interpreted that the Egyptians referred to the man, Heru as Re. the cold in the hieroglyphs seem to say that the city was built in the likeness of Heru and that a temple was built where Heru’s eye would normally be. The ancient Egyptians have been so ingenious that they would build Bay City and make it show its name and its layout? If Thebes were not built in the shape of a llama, then maybe it would be in the shape of a Hawk, and maybe the structure serving as a temple would be positioned where the Eye of the Hawk would be.

Maccha Pichu of Peru The Land of Heru!

I turned through the pages of the mustard-colored book, examining the layouts of the ancient cities of South America. My fingers froze on illustrations of Cuzco! The walls, streets, rivers, and canals of Cuzco formed a clear image of the profile of a Hawk- the Egyptian hieroglyphic for the word Heru. I looked closer at the drawings, there were foundation stones from what had been around the temple, and the stones were forming the Eye of the Hawk! I couldn’t celebrate: something was igniting urgency in the. The pieces were flying together. My heart was pounding. When Josephus penned his important history Antiquities of the Jews, he shared an interesting thing about ancient Jerusalem. “When David had cast the Jebusites out of the Citadel, he also rebuilt Jerusalem, and named it the city of David, and abode there all the time of his reign; but for the time that he reigned over the tribe of Judah only and Hebron, it was seven years and six months. Now when he had chosen Jerusalem to be his Royal City, his affairs did more and more prosper, by the providence of God, who took care that they should improve and be augmented.

Hiram also, the King of the Tyrians, sent ambassador was to him and made a league of mutual friendship and assistance with him. He also sent him presents, Cedar trees, and mechanics, and men skillful and building architecture, that they might build him a royal palace at Jerusalem. Now David may have buildings round about the lower city: He also joined the Citadel to it and made it one body; and when he had encompassed all with walls, he appointed Joab to take care of them. It was David, therefore, who first cast the Jebusites out of Jerusalem, and called it by his own name, the city of David: for under our forefather Abraham it was called (Salem, or) Solyma; but after that, some say that Homer mentions it by that name Solyma,

For he named the temple Solyma, according to the Hebrew language, which
denotes security. In the footnote about the name Jerusalem, and the editor wrote, “some copies of Josephus have here Solyma or Salem, and others Heirosolyma, or Jerusalem. The latter best agreed to what Josephus says elsewhere, that this city was called Solyma or Salem, before the days of Melchezidek, but was by him called Heirosolyma, or Jerusalem. That simple footnote, showing that Jerusalem was also Heirosolyma, help unlock the secret location of Jerusalem in the Americas. Greek writers prefer using the name Horus and Heiro instead of Heru. So Heru, Horus, and Heiro, all refer to the ancient deified Pharaoh that the Egyptians called Heru. Rome’s Julius Caesar explained in his Gallic Wars that the word solym was taken from the word sol which means son.

Combining pieces of understanding from the biblical narratives from the footnote and Josephus, from the notes of Julius Caesar, and from the Egyptian histories, the banning of the name Jerusalem was uncovered. The biblical city called Jerusalem was the Egyptian capital city named for Heru, the deified Egyptian king whose memory was to be kept alive by using the daily presence of the sun to commemorate him. Jerusalem’s name was more properly, Heru-Solym, from Heru and the sun. If that is offensive to some, I can only say, wait until you comprehend the meaning of the biblical writing called Revelation where it reveals Egypt’s great founder Amen (Rev 3:14).  That passage uncovers the meaning of events in Genesis and the Old Testament, generally. Those older Scriptures are called Revelation for a reason. Now I understood why the ancient hieroglyphs describe the man Amen to the “far-seeing.” It was written that Amen had built Heru’s city to last “for 1 million years.” Egypt’s design of Jerusalem and the hidden name that Egypt placed in that design had so far lasted more than 17,000 years. The gigantic walls and foundations at Cuzco had even survived Spain’s massive destruction of “the forbidden histories” the conquistadors had no way to fly above the city, so they cannot see what Egypt had done. They cannot see the name Heru being spelled out by the city’s walls and streets and other structures. Jerusalem was built with stones crying out the city’s name. Here was the Horus-throne of Upper Egypt, sitting in a Valley nearly 12,000 feet above the sea. It was clear why the hieroglyphs describe this city as being an Upper Egypt. More importantly, it could finally be understood what was meant by biblical narratives that want Jerusalem will come down from the mountain. There was one dilemma that needed resolving the Bentresh Stele showed Thebes to be so far away that 17 months was needed to travel between Beken, and the Yucatán and the Thebes where Ramses was. Moses had reached South America, from the Yucatán, and less than two months; so the need for 17 months of travel to reach Peru from Beken and the Yucatán seem to rule out Peru as being the site of Jerusalem. That dilemma was answered by the other Egyptian hieroglyphics, which clarified that there were actually two Egyptian cities called Thebes. One Thebes was called, “Thebes of the West.” I had to remember that the Egyptian hieroglyphic text called the Americas “The South Land and the North Land,” just as we still call those two continents South America and North America. Egypt also called the Americas the two lands the ancient hieroglyphics place “Thebes of the West” in the two lands and the Americas.

The last thing that I want to point out here is that the Egiptian hieroglyph showed Jerusalem as a Llama. Llama are not native to Egipt so these truths are undeniable. The evil conquistadors came to destroy what the ancestors accomplished but our truths still remain!

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