What Happened To Monsignor Luigi Capozzi After His Cocaine Laced Gay Sex Orgy At The Vatican?


Monsignor Luigi Capozzi

Have you ever asked yourself what happens to all the priests that molest children? The Vatican was given a charter by Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini in 1929. This agreement made the Vatican separate from Italy. As a result of this act The Vatican now has sovereign immunity from previously stated crimes! The Vatican is it’s own Nation State with free reign! The following outlines a case that arose in 2017! The case has completely disappeared from public radar! So I ask what happened to the Monsignor!

Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, secretary of a high-ranked Vatican cardinal, was arrested in 2017 for hosting a “cocaine fueled homosexual orgy in a building right next to St. Peter’s Basilica,” according to a LifeSiteNews report. The police in Rome only recently disclosed details about the arrest.

The National Catholic Register (NCR) reported on July 8 2017 that the Vatican has remained silent about this incident, refusing to confirm or comment on the story, which originally broke on June 28 2017 in the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano.

Vatican police reportedly caught Capozzi after the building’s residents complained of loud noises and visitors. “The building is currently being used by various high-ranking churchmen, including prefects, presidents, and secretaries to the Roman Curia,” reported LifeSiteNews.

The monsignor had been transporting cocaine for months by smuggling it in a car bearing Pontifical license plates and thus immune from being searched, the news service said.

Capozzi was high on the drug when the police arrived, and was taken to hospital for treatment.

When the NCR contacted the Vatican police, the secretary said they could not make a statement, but also stated that the story is “seriously lacking in truth.”

Vatican spokesman Greg Burke would not confirm the story, and remained silent when NCR asked him to confirm all or parts of the story.

Contacted on his cellphone, Capozzi told NCR, “Look, I cannot talk,” and hung up.

The NCR reported that a “reliable senior member of the curia” has heard from “multiple sources” that the story is true. This curia member also told NCR that homosexuality in the Vatican has “never been worse.”

Monsignor Luigi Capozzi (left) is secretary to Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio (center) who is a close collaborator with Pope Francis.

Capozzi’s superior, Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, is president of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legal Texts. He recently published a booklet relating his interpretation of Pope Francis’ work Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), in which he argued that cohabitating couples may receive Holy Communion.

The cardinal told the NCR in a February interview that the pope did not review the booklet before it was published.

The cardinal had previously requested for Capozzi to be ordained a bishop, according to LifeSiteNews.

LifeSiteNews also stated that Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute in Partlow, Va., suspects that Coccopalmerio knew of Capozzi’s actions.

“Given the monitoring and whispering that goes on in the Vatican, it is unlikely to the point of absurdity that Cardinal Coccopalmerio was unaware of Msgr. Capozzi’s disgusting activities,” Hichborn said.

“In fact, when we consider the 300-page document on the homosexual lobby that was handed to Pope Benedict XVI just before he resigned, the probability is that many who work in the Vatican were fully aware of what Capozzi was doing, and that such activities are taking place among other clergy as well,” he said.

Here Are 12 Facts Surrounding The Scandal!

1. Vatican police arrested Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, was 49, at the time of the arrest he was caught in the act of hosting a cocaine-fueled gay orgy in the former Palace of the Holy Office. 

2. Capozzi reportedly managed to evade suspicion from Italian police by using a BMW luxury car with license plates of the Holy See, which made him practically immune to stops and searches. This privilege, usually reserved for high-ranking prelates, would have allowed the monsignor to transport cocaine for his frequent homosexual orgies without being stopped by the Italian police. 

3. The Vatican-owned building in which the raid happened is currently being used by various high-ranking churchmen, including prefects, presidents, and secretaries to the Roman Curia. Police reportedly became suspicious after tenants in the building complained repeatedly about constant comings and goings of visitors to the building during all hours of the night. 

4. At the time of the arrest, Capozzi was allegedly so high on cocaine that he was hospitalized for detoxification for a short period in the Pius XI clinic in Rome. 

5. Despite Pope Francis’ promises of transparency and of cleaning up the Curia, not a word about the scandal has been spoken by any Vatican officials. Italian media broke the story last week after receiving inside information. 

6. Capozzi was apparently in the running to become a bishop at his boss Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio’s recommendation.

7. Capozzi is bizarrely still listed as an active staff member on the website of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legal Texts. 

8. Capozzi is currently in an undisclosed convent in Italy undergoing a spiritual retreat. There has been no mention of a process of laicization for his transgressions. 

9. Capozzi’s boss is Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the Vatican’s top canonical official. He is one of Pope Francis’ closest collaborators and ardent supporters

10. Coccopalmerio has spoken publicly about what he has called “positive elements” in homosexual relationships. He said that while homosexual relationships are deemed “illicit” by the Church, Catholic leaders, such as himself, must “emphasize” the “positive realities” that he said are present in homosexual relationships. 

11. There is speculation that Coccopalmerio knew about the gay orgies and did nothing about them. 

12. Coccopalmerio has been in the vanguard of advancing Pope Francis’ makeover of the Catholic Church. This includes writing a book earlier this year that defended Francis’s 2016 Exhortation Amoris Laetitia as allowing civilly-divorced-and-remarried Catholics living in adultery as well as unmarried cohabiting Catholics living in fornication to receive Holy Communion. His book was praised by left-leaning Church leaders, such as Cardinal Blase Cupich, even though it completely contradicted clear Catholic teaching on marriage, the Eucharist, and confession. 




A cocaine-fueled gay orgy at the Vatican? – YouTube

Vatican Cardinal’s Secretary Arrested for Hosting ‘Cocaine Fueled’ Homosexual Orgy Near St. Peter’s | CNSNews